Grand Premier Midnight Rider is out of ourChampion Kat City's Betty Boop and Champion Topcatery's Rowdy by Kat City. Midnight is 3rd generation Kat City. His sister ,Champion Kat Citys Marley, is producing some outstanding kittens that are 4th generation Kat City and we're very proud to continue the line and improve it as we go with our new infusion of Topcattery boys. We kept Midnight as a neutered male so that we could enjoy him as a pet, as well as show him on occation. February 2010 our wonderful Midnight became a Grand Premier! He's grown to a huge si e, ( he's 2X the size of every other cat we have!) and he has an abundant coat. His co t is termed as a "soft coat" and the judges have commented on how extremely black and s inny it is, as opposed to the hard coated black perisans, it also took longer to come in than most, but it is gorgeous! In addition his huge round deep copper eyes were praised by the judges and being the example to strive for. Midnight is a kind gentle guy that takes care of all the girls and kittens in the house, as well as being very affectionate and involved in every aspect of our household, and our lives. We feel blessed to shea e our lives with this delightful boy!